We’ve made it through another week here at Pure Nintendo HQ, and you’ll notice a bit of a theme with our playlist this week. We hope you’re enjoying Super Mario Maker as much as we are – check out some of our levels and let us know what you think. We’d love to give yours a go too, so share away in the comments section below – and any other gaming moments from your playlists this week.
- Super Mario Maker (Wii U): This week I have done nothing but play Super Mario Maker, just like every other Nintendo fan on earth. I am so addicted to this amazing game that it scares me! Hours pass and I don’t even realize what’s going on in reality. When making levels I try to go for a fun experience with just a little challenge and frustration, maybe some neat scenery to look at. I’m not a fan of levels that have the sole purpose of torturing Mario, but that’s just me. So far my favorite mystery mushroom has been Tingle, I was so hyped when Mario changed into him! Here’s a few of my first courses, check em out and let me know whatcha think! Also if you haven’t picked this up and you own a WiiU, GET ON THE HYPE TRAIN YO! ;)
- Nyleaks First Attempt:
C4B0-0000-0017-737B - Just A Little Cray Cray:
322A-0000-001C-FA8E - Fun Fun Castle Time:
2F7A-0000-0022-5165 - The Bloopers Are Watching:
B31C-0000-0038-C373 - The Hidden City of Koopas:
FBAA-0000-003A-3FF4 - Supa Fun Bro’s:
- Nyleaks First Attempt:
Super Mario Maker (Wii U): Sickness limited my gaming this week, but I did manage to finish a few levels I had started. I’ve over a dozen uploaded so far, but here’s a few of my recent ones. And of course you can follow me to check out more …
- Slippery Goomba Tracks:
35BD-0000-005A-E5BE - 20 second run n’ jump:
2C82-0000-005A-E789 - Secret of Bowser’s castle:
- Slippery Goomba Tracks:
My Wii U is back in action – just in time to join the Super Mario Maker hype train!
- Super Mario Maker (Wii U): Words cannot describe how much I love this game! It’s so well-made, so intuitive, and so much FUN! I don’t have any codes to share today but will soon.
- Pokémon Shuffle (3DS): Slowly, slowly progressing through these tough stages, now up to stage 198. I think I’ll celebrate at 200.
September 25, 2015
I too have been playing Mario maker, I will upload my stages and if it is okay with everyone I will also upload my sons. We both have been trying to get some attention to our courses. I also have also been playing Pokemon shuffle and just finished level 210.
September 27, 2015
My levels are as followed please note some of them are from my first attempts at the game. The more I attempted to design levels and unlocked this the better they got. Please feel free to offer any advice, also I can never think of a good name so starting with my first level.
Underwater fun. A856-0000-0037-F8DE
Put your safety helmet on 7FE6-0000-0039-9EC5
Boo! Ghosthouse? 07F5-0000-003F-E84D
SuperSonic lost Mushroom Kingdom 8C6E-0000-005A-C6CD
Cannonballs C931-0000-0067-24F9
My Son’s stages are:
Run, and do nothing else 6C4C-0000-0076-3DC5
31 Amiibo EFFC-0000-001A-5B2F
More to come….