Gunman Clive HD Collection is a port compilation of Gunman Clive 1 & 2 on the Nintendo 3DS. Seeing that Gunman Clive was released in 2012 and we reviewed Gunman Clive 2 on the 3DS, (Check it out HERE) I will not rehash much from the game itself.
What I found most intriguing is how both games work as a single purchase. Gunman Clive is a short, but sweet, old-school action adventure game that introduced the player to the water coloring style western and world. Gunman Clive 2 takes what was learned from the original and quickly builds on it by dumping the player straight into the action. This escalating dynamic between the two games is something lost in current chronological games – With the second game’s difficulty being greater. Frankly, seeing how short these games were, they work a lot better merged into one title.
The Gunman Clive games offer a perfect marriage between an old-school arcade shooter and a new generation feel. To simplify this review, the game is really fun. Players simply jump, duck, and shoot, with Mega Man-like controls. Throughout the game, upgrades are gained at a random pace, making each level play just a litter different. The game also offers secondary playable characters, which mixed with different difficulty levels, adds some replay value to a short game.
The game’s HD tag isn’t meaningless. The game runs at a beautiful 1080p, at what seems to be 60FPS. The water color style looks beautiful at such a high resolution. The game also offers off screen play using the Wii U’s GamePad.
Those long time readers of the site know that I have a little background in sound design. I truly respect how sound can help tell and carry a story. Gunman Clive HD offers some truly entertaining sound design. The music is a mixture of western and new age sounds which mixes perfectly with the style and the story of the game.
Gunman Clive HD Collection is a respectable upgrade from the original. Current fans, and fans looking for a good old-school shooter, will enjoy what the HD style of Gunman Clive offers.
PN Review: Gunman Clive HD Collection
A Fantastically fun game.