What a crazy but exciting Day 2 of E3 2011. Today we were able to play a few games, get the lay of the land and attend the Nintendo roundtable event. On that note, a second roundtable will accure tomorrow night. We are pretty sure this second one will consist of Wii U talk.

Tomorrow will be a little different for us. We have put aside tomorrow to get most of our filming done. Once again in the evening we will try to attend Nintendo’s second round table. We will be live-blogging again if we do.

I know a few weeks ago I said we would be doing podcast every night. Well, sorry but that will not happen today. Attending the roundtable put us back 2 hours.  It is becoming that time at night were a Podcast would not be enjoyable for you to watch. Trust me when we get up at 4:30 am…things are not pretty. Hopefully we can get you one tomorrow night….For now time for bed. See everyone in the morning.