It’s been a wild week and we’re all a little tired : ), but here’s a podcast recapping all the amazing news from this week:


  1. Japanese Conference
    1. DSi – 2 cameras
    2. November 1st in Japan, spring in europe, later 09 in US
    3. Mario & Luigi 3
    4. DS Walking Game (pedometer)
    5. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time Wii/DS connection
    6. Let’s Tap
    7. Punch out 
    8. Sin and Punishment 2
  2. NA Conference
    1. World of Goo – Oct. 13
    2. Wii Speak Channel
    3. Animal Crossing Bundle $60
    4. Club Nintendo
  3. Gamecube Games coming to Wii
    1. Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Metroid Prime 1 + 2, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Chibi Robo, Mario Tennis
  4. Things they didn’t announce
    1. Disaster release
    2. Kid Icarus