Review: Tetris Party Deluxe (Wii, DS)
For those of you old school fans who enjoy some time with the block, then you will be down with Tetris Party Deluxe. For hardcore and casual Tetris players, Tetris Party Deluxe has you turning to fit-in. Tetris Party Deluxe takes everything one may love about Tetris and turns it up to 11.
For those of you who followed the NBA free agency craziness you may of noticed a new trend in article writing; “The Top Ten List.” In honor of the top ten lists everywhere, here are my top ten reasons to buy Tetris Party Deluxe.
10: Impress your significant other. Tetris is more then a game; it’s a puzzle that uses fast wits and quick reactions to solve it in time. What is more impressive then stomping your roommate (who you paid off) while the person you are courting sits and watches?
9: Its Fun! Ok I needed one more so I added this one, but trust me it is.
8:Tetris Party Deluxe is an Certified authentic Tetris game.
7:What is more nostalgic then Tetris? OK maybe Pac-man or Asteroids but still nostalgic all the same.
6:Use of almost everything the Wii has to offer. The use of the Balance Board, Wii Wheel and the obvious Wii-mote make turning the blocks, to fit just right, interesting and fun. Also the use of Wii-Speak is a nice way to throw down some trash talk while you stomp your friends: “Boom!!! That block goes right there! Take that sucker!”
5:Local Play: 4 Player local plays on the Wii and up to 8-player single-card play on the DS.
4:Online Multiplayer: Challenge a friend, or a random person you just started hating because his Mii looks like your EX, to a game or Tetris.
3:Addictive: You will find yourself constantly wanting to top your own score of the score of your rivals.
2:Different game mode: Tetris Party Deluxe has more to offer then the typical Tetris game. Bombliss mode where bombs destroy surrounding blocks . Master Mode where the game is speed up for those expert Tetris players.Stage Racer where you navigate a tetrimino through a course to the goal 400 lines below.
1:Its Tetris!
Tetris Party Deluxe Wii and DS is just that Tetris-Deluxe. If you like the old school Tetris feel it has that for you. If you are looking for something a little more….well non-tetrisy it has that for you too. If you enjoy playing Tetris then Tetris Party Deluxe is a most to add to your collection.