E3 2012 is just around the corner! Are you excited yet? For the 5th year in a row Pure Nintendo will be attending the world’s largest video game conference. This year’s coverage will be a little different than other years—different in a good way for all of you. Justin and Kevin will once again be at the show, and after a year off, Eli (from macdaddynews) will be joining the Pure Nintendo team with their coverage. The difference this year will be with myself. This year I will not be attending the E3 festivities. Later this year I have a life-changing event that will take my time and money…marriage. I am such a good fiancé that I am putting off my E3 trip off for her. (awwww)

With the two different crews we should have our best E3 coverage ever. E3 is one of the most hectic weeks of the year. On average, we never reached the room before 8:30pm (11:30pm EST) By the time we settled, recorded our podcast, we were then left with very little time to post all the news from the day. That is why it will be good to have someone back at the home base which can cover the flood of news coming out of E3.

We will have a lot of things going on during E3. We will have the normal twitter updates but with a twist. When either of the guys tweet from the show floor, they will add the hash-tag #E3floor. When I tweet, it will be the normal format. We will also have the normal hands-on impressions, photo’s, cover-it live events (hopefully the roundtable again) and the Pure Nintendo Best of E3 awards. With all that said, this will be a very productive and great E3!