Reminder: 17 Days Left!!!
Hey all you Nintendo fans! Would you guys like an opportunity to show your love for Nintendo on this site. Well three lucky winners will be able to do just that. One of them will be able to write for a whole day!! That’s right a whole day!! Now you’re probably like, “what are you talking about jahiggin?” Well let me lay it out for you.
The contest is simple. All we are asking is for a review of the Wii, not just games, but the Wii itself. The three winners get their review posted on, and the grand-winner will also get to be a niwifi correspondent for a whole day. The contest starts…..well now, so go, go right now, no wait hold on let me finish first. The contest ends May 15 at noon EST, so we can have time to go through the entries and have the winners posted on the 19th—the 6-month anniversary of the Wii.
Email your reviews to
Here are the rules:
1. No foul language. Please make it clean!!
2. Review no longer then 250 words
3. One review per person.