Road Challenges Mode is a brand new, party-centric mode for Rock Band 3. It combines the simplicity of Quickplay and the narrative scope of the Tour mode (from previous Rock Band games) with a few unique twists.

As with the previous Tour Mode, you’ll go from tiny clubs to huge arenas to outdoor festivals (a new type of venue in Rock Band 3). But while the Tour Mode presented a single, sprawling campaign, this experience unfolds across ten concise Road Challenges. They differ by duration and by difficulty level, so you have a variety of Road Challenges from which to choose. If you and your friends are settling in for an evening of Rock Band 3, you can try the three-hour tour (hopefully, without getting stranded on a deserted isle in the process). But even if you only have half an hour to play, there’s a bite-sized Road Challenge you can finish in that time.

More Details HERE