These are the four games I have been hearing the last week or so. Also, these are the game I have been expecting. We will mark this as a rumor, for now, but I am pretty confident these are the games.
They better not be! We’ve heard of these games for 6 months. They need to have Zelda: Wind Waker, 3D Mario, Mario Kart and maybe Pikmin 3. Luigi U is bloody DLC. They need to blow people away and the 4 above wouldnt do it. They’ve said Mario 3D and Mario Kart are at E3 as playable demos.
June 9, 2013
They better not be! We’ve heard of these games for 6 months. They need to have Zelda: Wind Waker, 3D Mario, Mario Kart and maybe Pikmin 3. Luigi U is bloody DLC. They need to blow people away and the 4 above wouldnt do it. They’ve said Mario 3D and Mario Kart are at E3 as playable demos.