On April 24, Twin Galaxies announced that Steve Wiebe has officially taken the Donkey Kong Junior World Record.

The new World Record mark was accomplished on March 14 and verified by Twin Galaxies Chief Referee David Nelson. Steve’s new World Record mark of 1,139,800 points takes the Donkey Kong Junior crown from fellow Washington state native Ike Hall, who was crowned the DKJ World Champ in August 2008 with a score of 1,033,000, taking the crown that Billy Mitchell had held on the game since 1985. – Twin Galaxies

Ever since the King of Kong, I am a big fan of Steve Wibe and I am glad to see he got his record back. I hear rumors that he will be at E3 trying to break his own record. You can bank on that fact that I will be behind him to spend some time watching the master work.
