Super Smash Wars: A Link To The Hope – A Star Wars/Nintendo-verse Mashup
YouTuber James Farr has possibly created the best mashup ever. This Star Wars/Nintendo mashup is just too awesome to keep all to ourselves, so we have decided to share it with all of our readers! Mr. Farr has several ‘episodes’ of the Super Smash Wars videos up on his channel and we will be adding James Farr’s Nintendo-related videos to our weekend schedule! Sit back and enjoy the epicness that is Super Smash Wars and subscribe to James Farr over at his YouTube channel.
January 19, 2014
I love these his videos. I remember seeing his Super Mario/Ghostbusters parody before. I love that one two Ghostbusters is My favorite movie. I also love Star Wars. It is also one of my favorite series. I liked the short Teenage Mutant Koopa Trooper too. I love the he combines my favorite things. Nintendo and great movies.