
bbg entertainment

Review: Astrosmash (Nintendo Switch)
7 months ago

Review: Astrosmash (Nintendo Switch)

It’s become apparent that the Intellivision Amico will never see the light of day, but its remake of Astrosmash has; developer BBG Entertainment has released it for Nintendo Switch, and it’s solid…depending upon what you want from a retro fix.
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Review: Dynablaster (Nintendo Switch)
7 months ago

Review: Dynablaster (Nintendo Switch)

If you haven’t figured it out from the screenshots, Dynablaster is basically a reskinning of the early Bomberman games, albeit with some modern features. Are these improvements enough to justify the asking price?
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Review: Shark! Shark! (Nintendo Switch)
8 months ago

Review: Shark! Shark! (Nintendo Switch)

The premise of Shark! Shark! is incredibly simple; you’re a small fish who has to grow by eating even smaller fish. The larger you grow, the larger the fish you can eat. But there’s a shark, and it seems to have interest in you alone all Jaws IV style.
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