
Gamespot has a new interview with 2K Sports about the upcoming baseball game: The BIGS.  So far we’ve only seen a trailer for the game and very little information.  This information provides a lot of new details including how the Wiimote and nunchuk will be used:

GS: What can you tell us about the Wii version of The BIGS, particularly regarding its controls?

JL: The game uses both the Wii-mote and the Nunchuk. We’ve really focused on ways to apply the Wii’s very unique controls to all of the specific actions of baseball. As you might expect, you get to swing it like a bat and throw it like you would a ball. We’re in the final stages of refining the control scheme, so I’m sure we’ll have more details to share soon.

I’m really hoping the controls turn out alright.  I’d love a realistic baseball sim for the Wii—even if it requires lots of arm motions ;)

Source: Gamespot