Here’s our 3rd Wii story of the day, thanks to our good friend Thomas. I like how its written out, hour by hour. If you still want to send in your own Wii experience story: waiting in line, first time playing it, or any other Wii Experience story you would like to share. They don’t have to be to long, paragraph, or 17. It up to you. Send them to: Hit the jump to check out Thomas’s story:

I was in my room and just had gotten off the phone from talking to a
person from Best Buy. I asked him if their was already a line forming
for the launch of the Wii and he said yes.

I was running around the house frantically looking for receipts from
the bank to see how much money I had in my account. I had about $240
and another $70 in my wallet. Since i don’t have a job it was just
money that I’ve been saving from birthdays and such, and it was
actually going towards a computer that I wanted to buy but I think
that a Wii is more important. lol

After calling a few people and going to the bank I had the money
needed to by my Wii and a small group that would wait in line with me.
All that was left to do was to get ready and get in line.

I was in the car with my cousin, who had done some scouting before
hand to see how long the line actually was. I was wearing my big,
bright red, hoodie with the Nintendo logo in large text right on the
front of it. Now, I normally don’t wear this, but it was a special
occasion and the Wii only launches once.

We came to the parking lot of Best Buy and walked into line. It had
about 50 people in it, only about 20 were actually buying the Wii

My friend Josh finally arrived

I was talking to the group next to me and we were discussing of the
potential that the Wii had in revolutionizing the gaming industry and
making jokes about it’s name and it’s awkwardly shaped controller, and
some of the actions that you will need to preform with the controller,
but i don’t think that’s appropriate to put in here. haha

A new friend to be came into line just behind my cousin, Josh, and I.
His name is Will, and I he was in my chemistry class.

The line had gotten to the end of Best Buy, and another of Will’s
friend soon joined the line, we let them cut. This friend was Joe, he
was also in one of my classes. later Josh and I snuck over to the line
at Target just to see how long it was. They saw us approaching and
yelled that they didn’t have anymore Wii’s so not to waste out time
standing in line

A few more people joined Will’s and Joe’s group, one that I remember
in particular was this one kid, boy did he make an entrance!
Apparently his dad owns the limo company out here and so he rode into
the Wii line in a limo!

-about 12am
Josh’s sisters Jaimi and Izzie came and visited us for about an hour
or so just to talk and they brought some food with them.

Some people from the Wal-Mart line had driven by just to flaunt their Wii’s
We booed them away

the majority of the line was asleep now and the limo kid slept in his
limo with a few friends

The first people from Best Buy finally came out and started giving us
our vouchers

The doors to Best Buy had finally opened, but they told us that it
would be another half hour until we could actually buy our Wii’s

I was finally at the front of the line with my voucher in hand

I was walking out of the store with both my Wii and a copy of Twilight
Princess. As I was walking out the manager asked me if I needed to be
escorted to my car so that nobody would try to mug me for my Wii

We were out of the parking lot and I was in the passenger seat
flashing my Wii to the people driving next to us giving them the big

finally home.
went straight to my room and hooked up my new Wii

after answering the first few questions that was asked by the Wii it
asked me to point to the screen.

I couldn’t get the pointer to come up on the screen. Chaos was happening

I was on the computer on Nintendo’s site writing to customer service
that my Wii was defective

I found the source of the problem, the sensor bar wasn’t pluged in.
Boy was that embarrassing haha

played some Wii sports
hit Josh in the hand with the remote while playing Baseball

Put in Zelda
Josh was asleep