Let us be honest, Wiiware has become one of Nintendo’s biggest  blunders with the Wii. So much potential for consumers and smaller, upcoming, developers. WiiWare started strong but quickly fell into nothingness.

Over the last couple months it has been reported that Nintendo has banned developers to release any digital sales information of their own games. To this date Nintendo has never released digital sales information concerning 3rd party developers. TIGA is asking Nintendo explain why they take stance.

TIGA’s vision is to make the UK the best place in the world to do games business. To achieve this we must enable indie developers and digital publishers to set up and grow strong, sustainable, and independent businesses. If indie developers are to build effective businesses then they need to be able to share sales and downloaded games data with a variety of third parties. This is necessary to facilitate business and financial planning, ease access to finance and aid recruitment.

Many UK developers would like to understand why Nintendo will not allow independent developers to disclose information about their self-published games on WiiWare. Nintendo should issue a public response to the points raised by Icon Games in order to clarify their position.
-Dr Richard Wilson, TIGA CEO

Over the years we have also heard complaints concerning the difficulties in publishing for WiiWare. Richard Hill-Whittall, Director of Icon Games Entertainment supports TIGA attempt in calling for Nintendo to respond to their digital publishing details.

Icon Games simply want to report on the games that they have self-published on WiiWare. Nintendo’s policy makes life as difficult as possible for small studios. Global publishers need to understand that developers want to run their businesses in a professional manner. I welcome TIGA’s championing of the interests of indie developers.


To this date I have not heard anything about Dsiware or eShop channel being a huge problem for developers.
