
Well I posted news this morning on the backlash that Platinum Games is getting regarding the Wii U exclusive, Bayonetta 2.  Well it seems that the situation for Platinum Games has gone from bad to worse.  Bayonetta fans have now created a site to boycott Bayonetta 2.  Again, I am going to stick to my original opinion and simply state that this is going too far.  It is fine to express your dislike for something.  Do we really have to shout obscenities?  Do we really have to boycott?  We really don’t have to do any of these things.  If you are so upset with Platinum Games that you are going to spend your time and energy to create a ‘boycott’ site, then just don’t support Platinum Games by not purchasing their game.  That seems like a more logical solution to me.  I also agree with Rawmeat Cowboy over at GoNintendo.com as well.  Any of you who are boycotting Bayonetta 2 will probably not even purchase a Wii U, let alone entertain the idea of letting Nintendo into your home.  Anyways I digress, for any of you who want to stick it to Platinum Games and ‘boycott’, here if the site.