US Army Looking At Wiimote Controlled Robots
Because the Wii-mote is easy to get to grips with, it’s now being looked at as away of directing robots that are used to clear dangerous mine-fields.
The controllers that were first checked out needed lots of concentration.
But because the Wii-mote is so simple, it allows the users to concentrate more on what’s around the robot.
Wow, it seems like everyone is getting into the Wii, even our US Army. Maybe we should the National anthem to ” O say can we Wii.”
March 26, 2008
I thought they were already using the Xbox 360 controller to control their robots? At least that is what was in a picture a while back.
March 26, 2008
Actually Snorkle, I remember hearing the exact same thing, but I think it was for some other project though. Lol in MGS4 you get to control this little robot while Snake is holding a PS3 controller…It would be so much better and cooler if it was a wiimote!