There have been many many rumors over the last couple weeks leading up to Nintendo’s Media Summit and now it’s time to look at what we should expect from Nintendo this morning.  I, personally, believe we’ll hear a lot about Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M.  I also think we’ll see release dates for Sin & Punishment 2, DSi XL, Monster Hunter Tri, and the Black Nintendo Wii.  It’s looking less and less likely the new DS will make an appearance but you never know.  Here’s what Chris Kohler from Game|Life thinks we’ll see at the show:

So what’s on tap? Certain other sites are hinting very strongly that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be the big playable demo. After everything we’ve heard about it, I’m anxious to dig in and try out some of the new levels.

And Nintendo’s also told us that we’ll be trying out the U.S. version of the Nintendo DSi XL and playing some portable games that are coming up very soon, including Wario Ware: DIY, America’s Test Kitchen, and the latest Pokemon.

We also heard a rumor that at least one interesting new DSiWare downloadable game will be shown off.

Nintendo definitely has some surprises in store for us (I’m interested to see what that DSiWare game could be).  We’ll post as much as we can about the event in a live-blog and then post any assets that are released throughout the day.