Wii and Gameboy Micro Glamour Shots/Wallpaper
Our resident photographer here at niwifi.net, Ben Stitzer, has recently shot some amazing pictures of both the Wii and the Gameboy Micro. Feel free to download these pictures and scale them to your hearts’ content, or just drool over them in your alone time ;)
November 9, 2007
When I look at these pictures, I feel as though good can come from this world after all.
November 9, 2007
Wow! these are pretty good! Good job Ben.
November 10, 2007
whats up with the Wii wrist strap? it has a clip on it. is that a new strap or something?
November 10, 2007
Yes! thats the new rest straps that Nintendo is handing out. You can go here to get your own. http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/strapreplace.jsp