After a thorough teardown of the 3DS and its components, Chipworks was able to figure out how much RAM the 3DS has. X-raying the chip in question, the Fujitsu MB82M8080-07L, led to a special model code being discovered inside the die. From the number Chipworks was able to conclude that the 3DS comes with 128 MB of RAM. The speed of the chip is claimed by Fujitsu to be 3.2 GB/s, which is about double that of DDR2′s capability.

Working for a local IT group I am very interested in the specs of electronics. When Nintendo announced the 3DS, RAM was the first thing I was curious about. For those of you who remember the discussion about the RAM in the DS and what it should be in the 3DS…Justin I am happy with this 128 MB number.
