Will the next Zelda owe a lot to Twilight Princess?

“With Twilight Princess, we challenged ourself to create the most vast and realistic world the series had ever seen, but we don’t feel that we were able to fully complete this objective. With that as a starting point for our improvements to the series in the future, we are of course working on a new game for Wii.  For any game to be remembered for a long time, just like Ocarina of Time was, the game must give the strong impression that it has set a new starting point for future sequels to build upon. We are working to further improve upon the experiences found in Twilight Princess so that our future games can realize these innovations.” – Eiji Aonuma

This doesn’t really tell us much in the way of new information but anything about the new Zelda game is great in my book!  One has to wonder if Nintendo will create an even more immersive world with this next entry in the series.  Majora’s Mask definitely shared a lot with Ocarina of Time graphically, but there was definitely a new feel to the world (if ever so slightly).  Since the next game will benefit from Wii Motion Plus, it’ll be interesting to see how the environment and gameplay will fit the new control scheme.  All I know is that I can’t wait!
