If you have been following Nintendo news for any period of time you may have grown to notice Nintendo is very confusing. I noticed this yesterday but hesitated to mention it. In Nintendo’s Netflix press release yesterday it had something interesting about 3D movies.

The new Netflix application for Nintendo 3DS displays movies and TV episodes in 2D on the system’s upper screen. Users will soon have access to an additional library of select movies that can be viewed in 3D without the need for special glasses.

That does sound like Netfilx will be offering 3D movies at sometime. Watching 3D movies is something Nintendo has always been promising . Now check out the statement Nintendo sent to Joystiq.

“The press release announcing the new Netflix service for Nintendo 3DS also references the system’s upcoming short-form video service,” Big N said in a written statement. “Nintendo 3DS owners soon will be able to enjoy free, specially selected video content that includes 3D movie trailers, comedy clips and music videos.”

Now it sound like Nintendo is talking about some type of video feature…Kind of like the feature that was released in Japan and Europe yesterday….ahhh got it now..it all makes since.