new character named Holly Summers, ranked 6th in the UAA Ranking, missile as her left leg.
“I wanted to show this character as quickly as possible since it looks almost like a character from the double-feature movie Grindhouse. But in the movie, it’s a machine gun, while Holly has a missile, so she has more firepower – Suda51
Suda on Wiimote/Nunchuck controls “Assigning moves onto the Wiimote and nunchuk was difficult than I imagined. We have been so used to playing everything by pressing the buttons on the controller, but Nintendo’s stance is that this doesn’t always have to be the case. I think wrestling games will fit perfectly with the Wii. I’m sure power bombs will work great on this!”
Suda on Killer 7/No More Heroes similarities and differences “the game is not an extension of Killer 7, but goes the opposite direction, sort of like a reaction if you will. The story of Killer 7 was very complex so this time it will be very simple. The character was also complex since it had multiple personalities, but Travis as a character is much more clearer and simpler.”
June 20, 2007
by the butt crack of barney I am excited about this game, Can;t wait till the count down ends.
June 20, 2007
yeah, I can’t wait! and don’t forget that the countdown on the No More Heroes website ends this friday!!!
Check it out here: