Pure Nintendo Magazine Kickstarter is a go!
A lot of you have expressed interest in subscriptions for Pure Nintendo Magazine and today we’re happy to announce our Kickstarter project which will directly help us get print subscriptions to your doorstep!
We’re using Kickstarter for one clear and simple reason. We want to give our backers and supporters the ability to receive Nintendo news in the form of high definition screen shots, photos and intelligent articles in their mailbox every other month. With your contribution, Pure Nintendo Magazine will be available for subscription and distribution wherever there are Nintendo fans.
We love Nintendo and we hope you do too!! Help us prove to the gaming community that there are still Nintendo fans out there that have an insatiable appetite for all things Nintendo!
Those who follow Nintendo news know that there aren’t many places to read dedicated Nintendo news, let alone a magazine delivered to your doorstep. Help make Pure Nintendo Magazine your source for ALL things Nintendo!
With your support, you’ll be seeing Pure Nintendo Magazine in your mailbox very soon.
-your friends at PNM
September 12, 2012
For free?
September 12, 2012
@tsutlovic Hey tsutlovic, unfortunately it’s not for free. We did our first 5 issues of the magazine for free to test interest in it and see logistically how often and how much money it would take to produce. We have been working with Nintendo as well to ensure that Pure Nintendo Magazine is of the utmost quality and value for Nintendo fans. $20/year is our goal for a year’s subscription and that’s factoring in a lot of time and work and even money we get from advertisers.
I’d love to talk to you more if you’d like via email and I know I can send you at least the most recent issue for being such a fan of the site/magazine and for sticking with us! My email is justin at purenintendo dot com. Thanks tsutlovic!