TreeFall Studio’s The Letter has received its first update.  Version 1.1 brings minor, but numerous changes to the game.  To recap, this is the official update trailer …


The above trailer quickly highlights several tweaks to the game.  Below is a full list of all the enhancements …


The following screenshot slideshow displays some of the early improvements, along with brief captioned comments on them …

The main highlight from exploring the job terrain comes through expanded platforming sections, an aspect that was just barely touched on initially.  Platform skills are needed to find the new items, and the possibility of death is now present.  A save feature has been added as well.

The later parts of The Letter have also seen some improvements.  The town level is still quite small when compared to The Valley, but there is a new building that can be entered and explored.  The bonus level meanwhile is cool, but over in a flash.

Overall this first update has seen some welcome improvements.  The Letter still has a long ways to go, but hopefully the next update (version 1.2) can pick up where this one left off.  Off-TV Play, control options, and new levels are anticipated.  I’d also like to see some of the new features of this first update enhanced (hidden letters, “Monster in the dark”, etc.)  The Letter is slowly moving in the right direction.