GameSpot: So, Geometry Wars for the Wii and the Nintendo DS, why did you decide to take the game to those platforms?

Roger Carpenter: Geometry Wars is a game that appeals to both the hardcore and the not so. It doesn’t need a supercomputer to run it; all it needs is enough bang to make it look cool and have some great controls…step forward the Wii and DS. They also provide a great home-and-away solution for the new game, which we think will take GW to a new audience.

GS: We’ve heard that the games won’t simply be ports of the Xbox Live Arcade game, and that they’ll feature a single-player campaign. What can you tell us about that?

RC: It’s a bit soon to go telling all, but compared to Retro Evolved, Galaxies is huge. It expands on the “universe” of Geometry Wars in a natural and logical way, introducing stacks of new gameplay. Think solar systems and planets, and you’ll get some of the principles. Both Bizarre Creations and Kuju have been beavering away to create some very cool new stuff. And just in case you’re wondering, we will have plenty of online leaderboards!

GS: And multiplayer support, how is that going to work?

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