If you did not realize Dr. Tanya Byron is the one responsible for the Byron report.

GamesIndustry.biz: Which games are most popular in the Byron household?

Tanya Byron: I’m not going to say! I have a real blanket policy. Suffice to say it’s probably the games that are popular in most households. I have talked about the fact we play Nintendo Wii with our kids, and we have all sorts of consoles in the house. And my husband and I, at the end of the day, quite like trying to play tennis on the Wii with our mates who’ve had a few drinks.

We like games in our house, videogames are fun, it’s what children do. Kids need a balanced media diet, and they need, you know, not to be spending too much time gaming and not doing other things. But fundamentally, you need to celebrate it and empower and enable them to do it safely.

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