Like some I was very excited about Elebits for the Wii. I had it pre-ordered so i went and bought it on my lunch break. Sadly I still had to get some work done and sat with it on my desk taunting and teasing me all afternoon. After distracting myself with some work for a few hours it was time to go home. I sped home, every fool who wants to do the speed limit was in my way but i was determined. With a quick kiss for my wife I slid Elebits into my Wii ever so gently and turned it on. The icon on the Wii menu was calling out to me, i clicked, it started and there it was…

I went through the turtorial (which i recommend you do) and then was off in my first level. I’m pressing A as fast as i can click, finding those little things everywhere. Throwing things around the room having the time of my life. Turning things on and zaping (capturing) all the Elebits that come out. The first two levels were alot of fun and got my wife interested. We had a friend over and my sister was there so we all decided to play 4 player mode. It was disappointing at first as we could only play levels that were cleared in Story Mode but we set out to play anyway. After getting the controllers to connect we were off. Looking around the room 4 people zaping Elebits (actually they were just hitting the capture gun as fast as they could). The 3 of them figured out that you can move things quickly and furniture and items were being thrown all over the level it was a mad house of raining boxes, chests, and everything else that little gun would touch. After a few minutes of that we all had to pause the game because we were laughing so hard. At the end of the level i was sure of my victory, after all I was more experienced in gaming and the only one that had played Elebits previously. I was so wrong. My wife beat us all in a disgraceful manner. I was ashamed of my defeat but there is always another night…

It was a great first night and i can’t wait for my second.