This is one of my favorite post of the Week. Its a time when I get to talk directly to our readers  just to wish you all a happy weekend and tell you a little about whats going on with us.

The weekend is here, what games are you playing? I will be playing some Red Steel 2. For those of you who are waiting for someone to tell you to go get it. Go get it! What other games are you guys playing this weekend?

We are still hard at work with that big change coming to, that we are all excited about. We are just waiting for a 3rd party to do their part, it’s taking a little longer then we wanted. When that is done, I’m sure you will enjoy it. The second  thing we have cooking will come a lot sooner then that, in fact the next 2 days. Yesterday I had an opportunity to Jool, co-owner of Renegade Kid, and creator of the Dementium games. We talked about everything from Dementium II to his thoughts on the 3DS. Expect to be seeing that in the next two days.

Hope you have a safe fun filled weekend.