IGDA Founder Frets About Obama’s Effect on Video Games
I don’t entirely trust [Obama] on this issue. Obama is a centrist who believes in bringing parties together and trying to find compromises that both can live with. That’s great when we’re talking about the tax code or immigration policy. It’s not great when we’re talking about the First Amendment…
He’s no hardcore apocalypticist who believes that the End Times are imminent and video games are a sign of man’s depravity; nor is he such a bleeding heart that he thinks that game content must be federally-controlled for the sake of the children. However, he will undoubtedly be lobbied by people who do believe such things. The question is, will he stand up to them and tell them to get stuffed? I’m not sure yet…
My greatest hope lies not with Obama or the Democratic Congress, but with the judges that Obama will appoint. He has the power to influence the judiciary for many years to come, and I strongly doubt that he will appoint anyone who is likely to whittle away at the First Amendment. Politicians are easily influenced by moral panics; judges less so…
If anyone paid attention to my little post about the presidential candidates and video games, or even followed Obama’s campaign, you would be a little worried to about the affect he could have on the game industry. It’s pretty safe to say that the gaming industry is not the top priority for Obama right now.