– Monster Hunter X Super Mario. You can dress up the cats as Mario and Luigi.

– Iwata talks a bit more about the collab costumes. There will special quests at 7-Eleven and available to download thereafter.

– Iwata leaves the rest of the presentation to the development team.

– They are now going to show some multiplayer. Game features online multiplayer now.

– You have to click on a world map button and choose between the various options of the game.

– Friends can directly join from the friendslist. Of course, you can still create or find rooms.

– With finding a room, you can pick the skill level and difficulty of quests. They are now going into lobby.

– There is a full chat function, with which you can communicate with players in the lobby.

– There are the pre-installed options for you to enter, if you prefer that.

– We see them duking it out against a gigantic creature. Everyone is trying their own strategy.

– It seems all pretty seemless, as you can all walk around freely. Chat function always active in the corner.

– Finishing the monster off is done a quick timey sort of way.

– Monster Hunter 4 themes are being discussed. It is, according to them, very clearly shown in the opening.

– The game’s theme is also used in commercials, as it presents everything quite well.

– There is also new function called an… item sensor? It allows you to find the more important items really.

– They are talking about that the character can jump now, which allows for more action packed adventures.

– The game still features a story, which is expanded a bit more in comparison to previous games.

– You journey to different places, take on quests and they are many NPCs too.

– Link outfit for the main character revealed. This outfit you also get in a collab quest.

– Their bit is concluded with an overview of some more crazy monsters.
