I think you guys are so awesome and I’m really enjoying these… I already suggested this but will say it again, I would LOVE to see this in iTunes or at least some sort of subscribable RSS feed so I could get the newest episode quick and easy and automatically in my iTunes. I think a lot of people would love this. There’s a serious shortage of good Nintendo podcasts. The only other good one in my opinion is IGN’s Nintendo Voice Chat but it’s SO unreliable. They only do it when they “have time” lol.
One other little suggestion – I think in the beginning you should introduce the people on the show. I don’t know who all of you are, or where you’re all from! I just know you’re cool dudes… ^_^
Keep up the good work though. Lookin forward to episode 4! Also, friend me on Miiverse if you want, at sonictonic! ^_^
@sonictonic We are very glad that you are enjoying our podcast! We try and introduce ourselves at the beginning of every episode but we will try and remember to make a point of this and let everyone know who we are. Episode 4 will be tomorrow at 8 PM EST so make sure you join us then and make sure you tell your friends to come see us as well! Koopa Kast airs every Wednesday night at 8 PM EST unless we say otherwise! So make sure you catch the Pure Nintendo team live every Wednesday on YouTube!
November 26, 2012
I think you guys are so awesome and I’m really enjoying these… I already suggested this but will say it again, I would LOVE to see this in iTunes or at least some sort of subscribable RSS feed so I could get the newest episode quick and easy and automatically in my iTunes. I think a lot of people would love this. There’s a serious shortage of good Nintendo podcasts. The only other good one in my opinion is IGN’s Nintendo Voice Chat but it’s SO unreliable. They only do it when they “have time” lol.
One other little suggestion – I think in the beginning you should introduce the people on the show. I don’t know who all of you are, or where you’re all from! I just know you’re cool dudes… ^_^
Keep up the good work though. Lookin forward to episode 4! Also, friend me on Miiverse if you want, at sonictonic! ^_^
November 27, 2012
@sonictonic We are very glad that you are enjoying our podcast! We try and introduce ourselves at the beginning of every episode but we will try and remember to make a point of this and let everyone know who we are. Episode 4 will be tomorrow at 8 PM EST so make sure you join us then and make sure you tell your friends to come see us as well! Koopa Kast airs every Wednesday night at 8 PM EST unless we say otherwise! So make sure you catch the Pure Nintendo team live every Wednesday on YouTube!