Ok, here is my idea and I think it is a pretty cool one. I am about half way done with my Kid Icarus: Uprising review when something hit me. Why should only my opinion matter? There are a lot of you with very clear and straight forward opinions about the game. That is why I have decided, if you find it interesting, to do a group review of Kid Icarus Uprising.

I think the simplest way to do this is break everything up into five sections Opening statement, Story, Graphics, Gameplay/controls, Multiplayer. The idea is simple. Whoever sends me two-four paragraphs about that section, will get their part in the review. This review process will go all weekend, ending on Monday. Then on Monday I will take everything, put it together, fill in gaps if needed, and post it up.

Once I have a section submitted. I will check off the areas below so everyone knows what is left.

  • Intro
  • Story
  • Graphics
  • Gameplay/controls
  • Multiplayer

Send your review with a rating for the game, between 1-10 (we will average everything together) along with a name you would like to be used for your sections, to james at purenintendo dot com. If I receive more than one entry per section, I may use both or parts of both in the review.