EA Boogie
18 years ago

EA Boogie

By  •  Wii

EA Montreal has announced that they will be a new dance/karaoke game called boogie.

“We’re creating something new and different for gamers of all ages to enjoy; the …
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Full Internet Channel in April

Oslo, Norway – March 22, 2007

Opera and Nintendo today confirmed that the Opera-powered Internet Channel for Wii will be available in April 2007, rather than in late March as …
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How to Make the DS Better

By  •  DS

Next Gen has a cool article about what improvements Nintendo could incorporate into their next DS iteration.  One of the coolest ideas they list is a Virtual Console for the …
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Nintendo Donates to Charity
18 years ago

Nintendo Donates to Charity

By  • 

Wow, I’ve never seen so many DS systems and games in one place before!  Nintendo donated this mountain of goodies to the Child’s Play Charity.  Way to go …
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5 Most Wanted Games into Movies
18 years ago

5 Most Wanted Games into Movies

By  •  Potpourri

The Metroid series is part of the top 5 games that should be made into movies according to MSNBC.  Check out the full list for all the other game …
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DS Could be Best Selling Platform Ever

By  •  DS

“The DS has the potential to be the best-selling interactive entertainment platform ever. (The PSP will) establish a solid position in the marketplace. Under the right scenario, by 2011 the …
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