Nintendo Stocks Reach Another High
18 years ago

Nintendo Stocks Reach Another High

By  •  Wii

Nintendo (NTDOY) has reached another high in the stocks today. If you look at the chart, you can see how dramatic the Wii has been on Nintendo’s success. Signs …
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Nintendo Touts Pokemon Sales

By  • 

Nintendo just released some numbers on just how well Pokemon Diamond/Pearl have done in the land of the rising sun. Here’s the press release:

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Interview with Square-Enix
18 years ago

Interview with Square-Enix

By  •  Wii

Cubed3 has an exclusive interview with Square Enix’s Senior Vice President Hiromichi Tanaka. He talks about a few different things like the return of Chrono and Wii’s online capabilities. …
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Sony: Wii is an impulse buy

By  •  Wii

Sony America tried to insult the Wii but calling it an ‘impulse buy’. Dave Karraker (Sony spokesperson) says that the ps3 is far more powerful and should be considered as …
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New Sonic Trailer

By  •  Wii, Videos

EDIT: Video removed from Youtube

Here’s a new trailer for Sonic and the Secret Rings. It shows off a ton of gameplay and even some of the multiplayer minigames. …
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The Future of Wii Channels
18 years ago

The Future of Wii Channels

By  •  Wii

IGN has a great article about all the possibilities that the Wii Channels can offer. They go through many ideas of what channels they would like to see and …
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