Dreamcast on VC?
18 years ago

Dreamcast on VC?

By  • 

Infendo has a writeup on the possibilities of Dreamcast games coming to the Wii’s Virtual Console. They discuss what Nintendo would need to do in order to accomodate Dreamcast …
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Mario Party 8 hands-on

By  •  Wii

Joystiq just got a hands-on with Mario Party 8 at the Japan World Hobby Fair. They describe the mini-games that were on display and how they use the Wiimote. Here’s …
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Scarface Wii
18 years ago

Scarface Wii

By  •  Wii

This is great news! Scarface is on its way to the Wii! The game has been out for a little while, but with the promise of a Wii version; …
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Confirmed: Original Content to Wii VC

By  •  Wii

The interview with Hudson last week sparked a question of whether or not original content would make its way to the Wii. Well, it looks like it has been CONFIRMED …
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Starfox for Wii?
18 years ago

Starfox for Wii?

By  •  Wii

Cubed3 is reporting on some speculation about Starfox coming to the Wii. I think this is probably a given especially using the Wiimote to control your arwing. Here’s the …
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Japan Software Sales

By  •  Wii

Here are the software sales for this past week in Japan:

  1. .hack//G.U. Vol. 3 (PS2, Bandai Namco) – 136,790 | NEW
  2. Wario: Master of Disguise (NDS, Nintendo) – 91,249 …
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