
Opera Browser free until June 2007

By  •  Wii

Opera announced today that its custom-built web browser for Wii will be available for free at launch. The browser can be downloaded through the Wii’s built-in “Wii Shop Channel”, …
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Edit: 1 Million Wiis for North America

By  •  Wii

Nintendo confirmed on Monday that it will ship 1 million units to stores for the November 19 launch date. Here is the quote from Nintendo’s Ron Bertram, vice president …
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Wii Launch Details!

By  •  Wii

Official Wii Packaging

Nintendo on Thursday finally revealed the long-anticipated launch details. *drum roll………* Wii will launch in the US on November 19, 2006 for $249.99. The Wii will come packaged with the following as reported by IGN Wii:

  • One Wii remote
  • One nunchuck attachment
  • An AC adapter
  • An audio/video cable
  • A sensor bar
  • A sensor bar stand
  • A Wii console stand
  • 2 batteries
  • and a copy of Wii Sports (US, and Europe) featuring tennis, baseball, golf, and the new bowling and boxing games

Great news so far! Here’s the rest of the details from Cubed3:

  • 4 Million units will ship worldwide, with the US receiving the larger share
  • The Wii will be available at 25,000 retail locations across the country
  • 21 launch titles (Wii Sports included) will hit alongside the console in the US
  • Zelda (Gamecube version) will not be avaliable at launch, but on December 11th instead
  • All first-party games will be in at $49.99 or under
  • Metroid Prime 3 has been officially delayed until 2007
  • All first-party games and most other Wii content will be capable of 16:9 used by HDTVs, but won’t be in high definition
  • Pokemon Battle Revolution will be the first online multiplayer game for Wii

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BWII and SMSC announced

By  •  Wii

Batillion Wars 2 and Super Mario Strikers  Charged were announced today at Leipzig conference.  The controler will be used in unique ways, DUH!

DS Rises Atop Again!

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Japanese Software (August 7-13)
# Name (System) Sales (LTD)
1. New Super Mario Bros. (DS) 117,706 (2,731,934)
2. Tamagotchi Shop 2 (DS) 66,564 (334,875)
3. Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (PS2) 64,980 (new)
4. Brain Age 2 (DS) 59,585 (2,985,432)
5. Cooking Navi (DS) 57,257(290,960)
6. Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS) 44,201 (3,077,295)
7. Brain Age (DS) 38,954 (2,688,146)
8. SD Gundam Generation G Portable (PSP) 36,592 (192,227)
9. Fist of the North Star Pachislot (PS2) 33,951 (116,507)
10. Kirarin * Revolution: Kira Kira Idol Audition (DS) 33,332 (new)

Japanese Hardware (August 7-13)
DSL 196,719
PSP 41,289
PS2 26,547
GBASP 3,051
GBM 2,031
Xbox360 1,204
GC 940
DS 934
GBA 23
Xbox 6

This week dslites are ontop once again, conquering Japan. Mario also retook the top spot in software sales. :D

4 color rebellion also has sales for many regions in europe, it is quit interesting to see how other consoles are doing in other territories besides japan. It could be the ds ruling japan but the results will totally be different in the other side of the world!! :S very interesting!

Source: 4 color rebellion

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DS Games to be Shown at Leipzig

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Here is a list of games that Nintendo is said to have on hand next week at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany:

  • 42 All-Star Classics
  • Actionloop
  • Dr. …
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