We hope you’re ready for the weekend, we’re using our time to catch up on our gaming playlists. Any Nintendo fan knows there’s simply not enough time to play everything, but we do our best, playing a diverse range of games, including the the phenomenon that is Pokemon GO.
Check out our playlist below and let us know which games you’re playing right now.
- Pokemon Go (mobile): I imagine quite a few people’s playlists will include this game for awhile. I’ve registered 73 Pokemon in my Pokedex so far, and my Nidoking, which I have nicknamed Elvis, is my strongest ‘mon at 1004 cp. This app really has been encouraging me to get outside more, so I hope future updates will keep me hooked.
- Twilight Princess HD (Wii U): Didn’t get too much time with this one, unfortunately. I attempted to clear the new wolf link dungeon, but more than halfway through, a room with ice enemies ate through my hearts. I suppose I’ll have to give it another go. I can’t let the game win!.
- Super Mario Maker (Wii U): I’ve been having fun playing through our fan submitted courses. Expect to hear which ones were the PN teams favorites soon. I also updated a couple of my courses with checkpoints
- Beat Bowser Jr. to the finish: (6FBC-0000-0271-7CE3)
- Kuribo Kastle: (0107-0000-0271-D876)
- Tumblestone (Wii U eShop): I’m playing this new puzzler for review. It’s surprisingly long, so I won’t have my thoughts published for a while. For now I’ll say it’s a fun take on a familiar style, but the high price should definitely give you pause. Stay tuned for more.
- Fire Emblem: Fates (3DS): I’ve been playing this a LOT! I’ve just faced off with Leo and married Ryoma and I’m ready for chapter 19. I’ve also been busy with side missions and challenges, like building (and defending) my castle, plus leveling up my characters and promoting them to stronger classes. I’m really happy with my group now!
- Pokemon GO (mobile): I didn’t mention this last week since I really only briefly looked at it, but this week was different and I’m now fully immersed. Working in the city, I’m happily walking around town to find Pokestops and catch more ‘mon. It’s super-addictive and fun, and quite amusing when you see so many other people walking around doing the same thing hehe.
What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.
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