With the weekend in full swing it’s time to see what the Pure Nintendo team is playing lately. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do before the Switch hits us in less than a month, with plenty of reviews and even a brand new mobile game to keep us occupied. How are you filling the days until the Switch is released? Check out our playlist below and let us know what you’re playing this week.



  • Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World (3DS): I love this game. It’s pretty much the definition of cute. I was playing for a review but now that it’s done I can go at my own pace and enjoy the game a little more. If you’re interested checkout my Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World review and download the demo in the eShop for free.
  • Splatoon (Wii U): Splatoon is one of my favorite games. I’ve been trying to get on at least once every other day. I was able to play with some friends this week. It was nice playing with people who actually know what they’re doing for once. My NNID is Nyleak818 if anyone needs a splat buddy :)


  • Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns (3DS): Currently playing this one for a review. This is a pretty relaxing game that starts off slow, but really picks up the pace the longer you play and the more you put into it. Be sure to check out the review at the end of the month.
  • Super Mario Maker (Wii U): Playing through the latest batch of reader-submitted levels was a ton of fun this time. There were plenty of unique ideas that kept me on my toes. We’ll have our top three choices revealed in the next issue of PNM, so keep submitting your courses for your chance to be featured!
  • Fire Emblem Heroes (Mobile): Decided to check out Nintendo’s latest foray into the mobile market, and so far I’m enjoying it. The game play is smooth and intuitive, and although I probably won’t be sinking any real world cash into this game, I’ll definitely put some time into it. I was able to conjure a five star Roy on my first summon attempt, so I’m happy I got a character I was eager to take command of.



  • Super Mario Maker (Wii U): I may or may not have completely forgotten how to play Mario for the first minute



  • Fire Emblem: Heroes (mobile): Wow this came out rather suddenly, and I was straight onto it. It’s great so far, though not super challenging. It looks fantastic and plays really well. I like the short and sharp battles, which are perfectly bite-sized for mobile playtime.
  • Pokémon GO (mobile): I’m only playing this every other day now, which means I’m missing bonuses and generally not enjoying it as much. It’s becoming a real mission to grind through levels, and there are no exciting new Pokémon recently to keep me interested. Honestly, this could be my last week with this game, especially with FE: Heroes to keep me occupied…
  • Super Mario World (Wi U VC): Dipped back into my fave Mario platformer for a little downtime this week, just one of those games I love coming back to. So many secrets in this game, not to mention the cape and colored Yoshis. Need I say more?
  • Lifespeed (3DS): I just started playing this futuristic racer for a review, so stay tuned to find out how it stacks up.

What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.