It’s the end of the week and we’re back with our latest gaming delights. It’s a mixed bag this week, with everything from GameCube to mobile adventures, with some Switch and 3DS naturally in this mix. Check out our playlist below and let us know what’s on your gaming agenda this week.
ARMS (Switch): Now that I’ve finally got my hands on Nintendo’s newest IP, I have been doing my best to fight my way to the top as I set out to review this game. While you will have to wait a little while longer for my review, I’ll be covering my thoughts on each fighter throughout the week, starting with Spring Man and Helix.
- Magikarp Jump (Mobile): This is by far one of the silliest smartphone apps I have ever played, but there is something very enjoyable about its simplicity. If you’re a fan of the Pokémon Magikarp, you’ll probably get a chuckle or two out of this game. I do get the feeling it’s only a matter of time before the game loses my interest though.
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GameCube) – Yep, I broke out my GameCube and decided to play through this gem again! It has been 10+ years since I’ve last visited the game but I’m enjoying it :)
- Fire Emblem Birthright (3DS): The Fire Emblem series is a blindspot in my gaming library, so I’m trying to correct that somewhat. The game’s mechanics are great, but the story is not catching my interest. Also, no one warned me that the support system led to marriage instead of the bond system. I just wanted the bonuses, I wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment.
- Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (3DS) : Not sure why, but I suddenly had the urge to revisit this game. Hopefully I’ve forgotten most of the puzzle solutions, so I can have the fun of solving them again.
- Disgaea 5 Complete (Switch): This is one deep game! There is so much to do in this quirky strategy RPG, it will keep you going for many, many hours. Is it fun? Check out my Disgaea 5 Complete review to find out!
- Super Mario Run (mobile): ISuper Mario Run (mobile): I’ve hit 2500 Toads in Toad Rally, still playing this one daily. I want to unlock Luigi’s house, just need more purple Toads…
- Magikarp Jump (mobile): Oh man I feel so guilty about this one, it’s such a time waster but I really can’t stop playing it. I’m up to generation 12, my latest Magikarp (Gold Ian) has a max level of 25. We’ve started the Heavy League, but he won’t be strong enough to get past round 5 so it’ll be retirement for him!
- LEGO City Undercover (Switch): Making my way through Lego City, just finished Chapter 9 – now I’m a farmer! My 6-year-old son and I love the multiplayer mode of this game!
What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.
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