The weekend brings with it so many possibilities, whether it’s catching up on older games or trying something new. Hey! Pikmin is the clear favorite for the team this week, with some retro-horror, RPG-making, mobile-adventuring fun to be had with other titles. Check out our playlist below and let us know what’s on your gaming agenda this week.
Pokémon GO (Mobile): It still surprises me that I keep coming back to this game, but it’s a great excuse to go for a walk to get some exercise. The newer gym mechanics help make getting coins easier too, which is helpful in keeping me coming back.
- RPG Maker FES (3DS): Expect a review for this game in the near future. Although it offers no tutorials to help you get started, I really enjoy seeing how the event system works, and using said system to make interactable objects.
- Hey! Pikmin demo (3DS eShop): Decided to check out the demo of this game, and I have to say, so far I’m pleasantly surprised. Although the game is in 2D, it looks like the game will have various branching paths in levels, encouraging second playthroughs. One of the treasures I found was a cartridge of Link’s Awakening DX, one of my all time favorite games, so that reference alone makes me happy. I’m pretty excited to see what the game has in store when it releases.
Crollors Game Pack (3DS eShop): This mini-game collection is my next review. Look for it early next week.
- Hey! Pikmin demo (Nintendo 3DS):I’m glad Nintendo released a demo for this game. I just hope Pikmin doesn’t suffer from being released the same day as Miitopia in North America. The amiibo looks cool.
- Pokémon Sun (Nintendo 3DS): Alex and I have been writing about a Pokémon animated special for PNM’s next Cartoon Corner. It’s put me in the mood to return to Alola.
- Vaccine (Switch): This retro title reeks of ’90s horror games, not always in a good way. It has some genuinely creepy moments, and is a tough one to beat, as I discovered in my Vaccine review.
- Magikarp Jump (mobile): I’ve made it to the final league, and my interest is starting to wane somewhat, but it’s still a fun diversion on a short bus trip, and I plan to see it through to the end!
- LEGO City Undercover (Switch): Apparently 100% completion of this game unlocks a giant playable LEGO figure. So, of course, my 6-year-old son and I are trying to do just that.
- Hey! Pikmin demo (3DS eShop): This must be the game of the week around the PN office, since we’re all giving it a go. Like everyone else, I’m pleasantly surprised by what I’ve seen in the demo, and look forward to seeing the full game soon.
What do you think of our list this week? Are you into anything retro at the moment, or busy playing something brand new? Let us know your own playlists in the comments section.
July 23, 2017
I was playing Hey Pikmin Demo (3ds) , Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (switch) and Pokemon go(moblie). On Friday I got Spatoon 2 and it took over my game time. Zelda and the rest Hyrule and Olimar can wait, there is splatting to be done. This is saying a lot since I really love the Pikmin game and have really been loving Breath of the Wild.