Hungry Baby: Party Treats is not the game you play before dinner… and yes, I am speaking from experience. Hungry Baby: Party Treats will make you more hungry, rather than reducing your need for food.

Hungry Baby: Party Treats is a cross between a puzzle game and a “Try, die, repeat” style of play. In Hungry Baby: Party Treats there is a wide range of delicious treats to play as and the goal is to get into a child’s tummy. Despite its odd nature, the gameplay is satisfying and cute, which I can appreciate.

The game works off a three-star-based system and you will slowly lose the stars the longer you take to complete the level. While this might seem like a pain, it is what makes the gameplay fun, as it allows you to keep trying to improve your time and also get all three stars.

There are two main modes in Hungry Baby: Party mode and Campaign mode.

The campaign mode offers three different levels, each with their own sub-levels. In total, there are about 20 levels in the campaign. Each level is fun and challenging, and some even require a certain amount of stars before you can proceed, similar to Yoshi’s Crafted World.

While the campaign levels provide an ample amount of fun, I can’t help but feel like it was too short. It would’ve been nice to see more levels added. There also was no lore to this game, besides the goal of getting inside a baby’s stomach… while that is understandable considering it is a relatively cheap party game, it would’ve been nice to know the lore behind each treat, whether through a simple biography text box or something more complex.

Aside from needing more lore and additional levels, the campaign was perfect and a great way to get used to the game’s puzzling aspect.

In terms of Party mode, though, that is where Hungry Baby: Party Treats excels. There are a wide variety of mini-games in Party mode, such as Classic!, Icy Race, Go! Go! Pan!, Food Cart, and more. Each party game is a lot of fun, especially with friends.

In Food Cart, the gameplay is basically the same as classic, but with a twist. The first person to hit the button, which makes the food cart move, will win. Go! Go! Pan! Has you trying to be the first person to reach the cooking pan. In Icy Race, well you are racing… The variety of mini-games on offer was mind-blowing, considering how differently each is played.

Although with all this “Try, die, repeat” gameplay rule, it is important that it remains charming so you don’t quit. Luckily, Hungry Baby delivers on its charm. The vibrant graphics and dynamic electronic music make this a feast to be reckoned with. Performance-wise there were no issues, and the frame rate remained constant.

Hungry Baby: Party Treats lacks a complete campaign offering, but the atmosphere, treats, party mode, and performance make this a must-own for anyone looking to get an affordable party/puzzle game.