“What I’m hearing is that Nintendo originally planned to bring the Netflix service to the Wii before the end of this year, which still might take place, but that Nintendo is also considering holding off on the Netflix service until they release their next generation Wii HD unit in early 2010.” – Dan Rayburn

This is a still a big, fat rumor, so don’t get your hopes up for either a Wii HD or Netflix with it.  I’m not sure why people have hung on to this ‘Wii HD’, but I don’t think it makes much sense for Nintendo to buck tradition and release a new console before their normal 5-year cycle.  If Nintendo is going to release a new system, and I do believe they’ll include HD capability in their next system, they’ll do it when it makes sense, and not when analysts think they should.  That’s just my two cents.  What do you guys think?
