Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario and many other video game characters, has teased on his twitter account about a ‘new’ Mario game.  He mentions that it’s not New Super Mario Bros. Wii and it’s not Super Mario Galaxy 2.  So what could it be?

Mama Mia!!!! I’m going to Seattle this week to record a new Mario game! Woo Hooo!!!!! I can hardly wait!!!!1

Big day tomorrow! Seattle for a new Mario game! Yippee!!! And just as a joke, it’s going to rain….in San Francisco tomorrow!

Awesome new Mario Game! And it’s not NSMB Wii, and it’s not Galaxy 2, but it’s going to be crazy fun!

The twitter account appears to be legit, but we’ll still call it a rumor until we can learn more.  So what do you guys think?  Think it’s another Mario Party or sports title?  Or perhaps another Paper Mario?  Hopefully, we’ll find out soon!

Update (10/19) – Now Charles Martinet’s Twitter page doesn’t show the last message about the new Mario game:

Update 2 (10/19): A Nintendo representative told Gamespot the following:

“We’re always working on new games and experiences, but we have nothing to announce at this time,” a Nintendo representative told GameSpot.

So it looks like some sort of Mario game is definitely in the works.  Hopefully, we’ll get some real info about it sooner rather than later.

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