RUMOR: GameStop Leaks Super Smash Bros Release Date
There are several sources from across the internet that are reporting that GameStop has updated their database with a release date of April 8, 2014 for the Wii U and 3DS versions of Super Smash Bros.
This is to be taken with a grain of salt because none of the sites reporting the rumor have any solid evidence of where this information came from besides the retailer’s name, GameStop.
Reggie Fils-Aime, COO at Nintendo of America, teased Nintendo fans at end of the Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze interview with Game Trailers TV (below). At the end of the interview, Reggie suggested that Nintendo maybe making an appearance or doing something special at Spike TV’s VGX, which airs December 7th.
It is not likely that Nintendo will make any huge game announcements or reveal any release dates at the event but rather show something new, like gameplay footage, from one of the many upcoming games that we already know about.
So while speculating about rumors is fun, this rumor is probably not true. We will update our readers with any new information if any should arise.
November 30, 2013
Hmmm…I don’t know. I actually think that this particular rumor is legit. (I say that because I’ve been losing the past few rumors.)
November 30, 2013
That release dates seems a bit too soon, IMO. I mean, I know the game comes out 2014, but so far, we haven’t heard much of the game yet, other than what the official site has shown. It would be nice if that were the actual date, but I certainly don’t want a Smash Bros half-baked. I’m sure no one does, either. Then again, Sakurai could have been working on the game longer than we may realize. Yeah, I would be VERY cautious towards that rumored date. I’ll wait until OFFICIAL info from the Smash Bros site ;)
November 30, 2013
If the game DOES come out on April 2014, then the spring of 2014 is going to be awesome in the video game industry.