Here at, we hope it’s not all about us rambling, and rambling, on and on, about games. Truthfully, I hate hearing myself ramble, and I’m sure you getting tired of it as well. Don’t lie, I will not be offended.

We like to think of ourselves as a community where Nintendo fans can come together and discuss all things Nintendo. This will become a lot easier for you guys to do in the near future ;)  Wait, what does that mean? You will just have to wait and see to find out.

Purenintendo reader TheCode, came up with this brilliant interpretation of what the Official Nintendo Magazine was teasing in their next issue. Here is what the magazine said:

”That’s right – I suggest you mark 12 March in your diaries now, as we have something very special lined up. That’s all I can say for now, so until then, enjoy the mag!” – Official Nintendo Magazine

Here is what TheCode came up with:

You see, first of all, March is the month in which Caesar was betrayed by his friends. I want you to note the key word here, BETRAYAL <—. Secondly, why would they ask us to mark our diaries? Last time I checked we mark important days on a Calendar, not a Diary. Therefore, key word here is DIARIES <—. Thirdly, “That’s all I can say for now”. Notice how the writer is desperate, as if dying to get a message across but can’t because something behind him is about to explode. Key word here, EXPLODE <—. Finally, the writer says enjoy the “mag” and not magazine. Mag as in gun ammunition? Key word, MAG <— Now lets add these words next to each other to see if we get a result. Betrayal, Diaries, Explode, and Mag. The only person who has been betrayed in the Nintendo universe is Samus (By the federation, go play fusion). She also keeps logs of her missions, a.k.a Diaries. Everywhere she goes things (including the planet she’s walking on) explodes. FInally, she carries a big  gun around at all times. Obviously, the announcment is about Metroid: Other M.

After reading this break down of what was said, I am starting to lean to the way of Metroid: Other M.

Thanks to the TheCode for this idea!  Keep it up!