SEGA hoping to have Sonic the Hedgehog: Ep. 2 in 2012
“This year, 2011, is the anniversary, so we’re focusing on the celebration title, but moving forward to 2012, Sonic will still be going, so I’d hope to provide Episode 2 then. It was always the plan (to release this late after Ep. 1). We knew about the anniversary year, and Generations was planned way in advance. It was always our plan to release Episode 2 after Generations. We can’t say if there’s going to be Episode 3 or not.” – Sonic Team’s Takashi Iikuza
The question will be is Ep. 2 coming to Wiiware or whatever the Wii U may offer? If it’s the Wii U then Nintendo fans can play the HD version of the game like PSN and XBLA user can.
January 18, 2012
i hope there will be a 2 and 3