Andy Tudor, Creative Director at Slightly Mad Studios, recently spoke with NowGamer regarding their crowd funded game Project Cars.  Topics like crowd funding, inspirations, and game content were covered in the interview but they also spoke about the Wii U version specifically.

The Wii U version of Project Cars will support 720p graphics and run at 30 fps.

“We always prefer to aim for 30fps generally in order to keep gameplay-specific features like having more cars on track or better weather effects etc.. so that’s standard across all consoles, and we’re more likely to utilize the native 720p support of the Wii U for launch especially since our physics and rendering systems demand a lot of processing power in order to deliver a truly next-gen experience.”

– Andy Tudor, Creative Director at Slightly Mad Studios

 It seems Tudor took the easy way out when asked which version of the game was the best and said each version has its advantages.

“Honestly, each has their own advantages: the PC will always benefit from the most bleeding edge processors and graphics cards but the Wii U has brand-new ways of interacting via the Gamepad, and the PS3/Xbox 360 versions continue to push those machines to their very limits whilst hooking in to already-popular systems like PSN and Xbox Live. So no one single platform wins I’m afraid!”

– Andy Tudor, Creative Director at Slightly Mad Studios

When asked about what attracted Slightly Mad Studios to the Wii U Tudor explained that the innovation within the Wii U was the driving force behind the desicion to develop for Nintendo’s new console.

“Seeing the announcement video and then getting hands-on at E3, the gamepad just screams new innovations for gameplay and is a perfect match when thinking about using the gyroscope as a handheld wheel like in Mario Kart Wii and showing data on the screen such as a map, telemetry, speedo, or rear view mirror. When you couple that with Miiverse functionality and community it’s a no-brainer.”

– Andy Tudor, Creative Director at Slightly Mad Studios