

Rumor: Wario’s Woods coming to Wii Ware
17 years ago

Rumor: Wario’s Woods coming to Wii Ware

This rumor has been floating around all day. The last game to appear on the NES, well be this first Nintendo based game to appear on Wiiware. No …
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Wiiware Coming To Europe/Australia  In May?
17 years ago

Wiiware Coming To Europe/Australia In May?

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Here is a screen pic from the Europe system update:

What I see odd about this is that the NA update message (HERE) said that Wiiware will be coming …
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Defend Your Castle: First Trailer

Wow the multiplayer part looks intense, I am excited.

No VC Update For Japan Next Week
17 years ago

No VC Update For Japan Next Week

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With Wiiware launching in Japan next week, they will not be receiving there normal VC update. Honestly, I don’t think this is a big deal, you wont get …
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Mojipittan Anounced First Downloadable Content For The Wii…Kind of
17 years ago

Mojipittan Anounced First Downloadable Content For The Wii…Kind of

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Namco announced today the Japanese puzzle game Majipittan.  I am not to sure what this game is about. The interesting thing is that you will be able to …
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Developers Like Wiiware, XBLA Full Of Crap

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Nintendo has made it very clear to us that we’ll not only be making a better royalty rate from WiiWare games, but we’ll also have a better chance of selling …
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Bomberman Wiiware Announced: 8 player online
17 years ago

Bomberman Wiiware Announced: 8 player online

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Info from scan translated by cubed:

Hudson is taking the classic franchise to the online world on WiiWare, with a story-mode for solo bombing, spanning 5 worlds and …
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Bubble Wrap Popping Coming To WiiWare
17 years ago

Bubble Wrap Popping Coming To WiiWare

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This 40 level, based on a Japanese game, bubble popping extravaganza, will be able to be downloaded on the Wiiware channel for 800 points. Yes, all you do …
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Wiiware Tetris Online and Co-op

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Hudson and Tetris Online have announced a funky new version of the classic puzzler for the download service. Entitled “Tetris”, the original formula makes a colourful return, along with added …
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Some Wiiware Game Prices

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  • Ping Pong: 500pts
  • Mojipittan: 1000pts
  • Animal Panic: 1000pts
  • Star Soldier R: 800pts
  • FFCC: 1500pts
  • Solitaire: 500pts
  • Dr. Mario: 1000pts
  • Pokemon Ranch: 1000pts

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Japanese Wiiware Site Has Gone Live
17 years ago

Japanese Wiiware Site Has Gone Live

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There is nothing much to it now, but I am pretty sure they will be updating it with some video and Screens

Site …
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