Tetris Ultimate Coming to 3DS
Ubisoft’s next installation in the popular block-falling puzzler marks the 30th anniversary of the original Tetris. When first announced earlier this month, there was no mention of Nintendo’s consoles – alarming, considering the success the game had on the original Game Boy.
Fans of the series will be relieved to know that Ubisoft has since confirmed that the ultimate Tetris experience will hit Nintendo’s current generation of portable consoles – namely the 3DS – this Fall.
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you’re likely to play another round of Tetris later this year.
June 18, 2014
I wonder if the WII U version of this is one of the games they are holding out on.
June 18, 2014
It seems like a possibility but I think they have something bigger than this they are not sharing at this time. My guess is that they have a ZombiU sequel lurking somewhere in the shadows that they want to reveal but aren’t doing so because of the lackluster sales of the first one. Hopefully we will find out more sometime soon.
June 18, 2014
I hope so but I just really hope that Tetris hits the Wii U too. I really hope they reveal the games soon. I know a lot of people liked ZombiU but I personally have not played it.